Advance Technical Charts

Advance Technical Charts

Crypto Coins Heatmap

This gives you a birds-eye view of crypto. Segment by type of coin, market cap, recent performance and more.

Crypto Coins

This gives you a birds-eye view of crypto. Segment by type of coin, market cap, recent performance and more.

Stock Heatmap

This shows off a macro view on global stocks. Perfect for segmenting by sector, country or market cap.

Stock Heatmap

This shows off a macro view on global stocks. Perfect for segmenting by sector, country or market cap.

Forex Heatmap

Show off a snapshot of currency market action. This lets you spot strong and weak currencies and see how they compare to each other, all in real-time.

Forex Heatmap

Show off a snapshot of currency market action. This widget lets you spot strong and weak currencies and see how they compare to each other, all in real-time.

Forex Screener

Forex Screener

Cryptocurrency Market

Cryptocurrency Market